
產(chǎn)品中心您的位置:網(wǎng)站首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 數(shù)字示波器 > 其它示波器及探頭和附件 >泰克電流探頭CT6|示波器探頭






CT2 CT1電流探頭的設(shè)計(jì)和*性或半*在線安裝。 每種探由電流互感器和互連電纜。目前有一個(gè)小洞變壓器電流通過其導(dǎo)體電路中通過進(jìn)行組裝。



  • 高帶寬
  • 超低電感
  • 非常小的形式因素
  • 電流波形特征至< 200 ps上漲時(shí)期
  • 非常低的裝載的被測(cè)電路
  • 適合密集、電路的設(shè)計(jì)


  • 數(shù)據(jù)存儲(chǔ)閱讀渠道設(shè)計(jì)
  • 硅表征
  • 高頻模擬電路設(shè)計(jì)
  • ESD 測(cè)試
  • 信號(hào)注入
  • 差動(dòng)測(cè)量
  • Rep-rate脈沖測(cè)量
  • 傳播延遲測(cè)量

CT6 Current ProbeCT6電流探測(cè)器

The CT6 is the newest addition to the Tektronix portfolio of high-frequency current probes. 這是的CT6之外的高頻電流探頭泰克公司投資組合。It is designed to meet the needs of high-speed circuit design and test applications which require ultra-high bandwidth, low inductance, and extremely small form factor. 這是專為滿足需求高速電路設(shè)計(jì)和測(cè)試應(yīng)用程序需要高帶寬、低電感,非常的小尺寸。The CT6 provides up to 2 GHz bandwidth when used with high-bandwidth oscilloscopes such as the Tektronix TDS694C, TDS794D, and TDS7000 Series oscilloscopes or with other compatible 50 Ω input measuring instruments. 這個(gè)CT6提供2兆赫當(dāng)使用以示波器帶寬高帶寬等TDS694C泰克公司,TDS794D,TDS7000系列示波器或用其他兼容50Ω輸入測(cè)量?jī)x器。Low inductance (<3 nH) assures that the loading effect of the CT6 on the circuit-under-test will be negligible, which is especially important for today's low-amplitude, high-speed circuit designs such as disk drive read/write preamplifiers. 小電感(< 3 nH)確保載荷的影響在circuit-under-test CT6將是可以忽略的,這點(diǎn)尤其重要,對(duì)于今天的低烈度高速電路設(shè)計(jì)如磁盤驅(qū)動(dòng)器讀/寫放大器。The probe is a closed-circuit design which will accept uninsulated wire sized up to 20 gauge. 探測(cè)器是一種閉路設(shè)計(jì)uninsulated電線大小將接受20表。This product is exempt from CE mark by virtue of its 30 V voltage limit.本產(chǎn)品是免除CE標(biāo)志憑借*的30 V電壓的限制。

CT2 CT1 /。Current Probes with P6041 BNC Probe Cable.電流探測(cè)器P6041 BNC探針與電纜。


CT1/CT2 Current ProbesCT1 / CT2電流探頭

The CT1 and CT2 Current Probes are designed for permanent or semi-permanent in-circuit installation. CT2 CT1電流探頭的設(shè)計(jì)和*性或半*在線安裝。Each probe consists of a current transformer and an interconnecting cable. 每種探由電流互感器和互連電纜。The current transformers have a small hole through which a current carrying conductor is passed during circuit assembly.目前有一個(gè)小洞變壓器電流通過其導(dǎo)體電路中通過進(jìn)行組裝。

The P6041 Probe Cable provides the connection between the CT1 and CT2 Current Transformers and a BNC oscilloscope input. P6041探測(cè)器提供的電纜之間的連接和CT2 CT1電流互感器和一個(gè)BNC示波器輸入。A 50 Ω termination is required to terminate the cable when connected to a high-impedance (1 MΩ) oscilloscope input. 一個(gè)50Ω終止時(shí)需要終止電纜連接到一個(gè)高祖抗(1 MΩ)示波器輸入。One probe cable can be used to monitor several current transformers that have been wired into a circuit.一個(gè)探針電纜可用來監(jiān)控,幾個(gè)電流互感器接線進(jìn)入一個(gè)電路。

Miniature Construction微型建設(shè)

The CT1 and CT2 detachable cable design enables one or more probes to be located on circuit boards or in other limited space areas.CT2 CT1電纜的設(shè)計(jì)使得毛皮和一個(gè)或多個(gè)探針位于電路板或其他有限的空間區(qū)域。

The CT6 offers the smallest form factor available, for measurement on ever-shrinking circuit boards and components. 提供zui小的CT6形式因素可能了,因?yàn)閑ver-shrinking電路板測(cè)試和部件。It is designed for temporary installation and does not incorporate removable cables, as the CT1 and CT2 do.它是專為臨時(shí)安裝,沒有納入移動(dòng)電纜,和CT2 CT1。

Extendible Probe LengthExtendible探針長(zhǎng)度

Specified rise time and bandwidth are obtained when using the probe cables provided: The P6041 cable used with the CT1 and CT2 is 42 inches nominal. 的上升時(shí)間和帶寬得到了電纜使用探測(cè)器提供:P6041電纜用CT1 42英寸和CT2是有名無實(shí)。If additional length is required, the cables can be extended by using high-quality 50 Ω cable and suitable interface connectors. 如果附加長(zhǎng)度時(shí),電纜可以延長(zhǎng)采用優(yōu)質(zhì)50Ω電纜和合適的接口連接器。(Also see Special Probe Cables, Optional Accessories.) (也看到特別的探針,可選配件電纜。)Long cables may degrade high-frequency response.根長(zhǎng)電纜可以降級(jí)頻率響應(yīng)。

High Sensitivity靈敏度高

The CT1 and CT6 provide an output of 5 mV for each milliamp of input current when terminated in 50 Ω. 提供了一種輸出和CT6 CT1 5 mV為每個(gè)milliamp時(shí)的輸入電流在50Ω終止。The CT2 provides 1 mV per milliamp when terminated in 50 Ω.CT2提供的每milliamp 1 mV 50Ω當(dāng)終止。

Typical Systems典型系統(tǒng)

The CT1, CT2, and CT6 high-frequency current transformers are dynamic (i.e., non-DC) current measuring devices. 這個(gè)CT1,CT2,CT6高頻電流互感器是一種動(dòng)態(tài)的(例如,non-DC電流測(cè)量設(shè)備。They are typically used in conjunction with compatible high-bandwidth oscilloscopes and other instruments to observe and/or record high-frequency current waveforms. 他們通??梢耘浜霞嫒莸母邘捠静ㄆ骱推渌麅x器觀察和/或記錄高頻電流波形。The CT1, CT2, and CT6 normally operate directly into 50 Ω scopes and other measuring device inputs.這個(gè)CT1,CT2,CT6運(yùn)作正常直接進(jìn)入50Ω范圍和其他測(cè)量設(shè)備的投入。

The CT1 or CT2 can be used with 1 MΩ input systems; use the P6041 probe cable and terminate the output with a 50 Ω feed-through termination (see Optional Accessories).這CT2 CT1或可以使用1 MΩ輸入系統(tǒng),使用P6041探測(cè)器輸出電纜和終止一個(gè)50Ωfeed-through終止(見可選配件)。

In all cases, the CT1, CT2, and CT6 must work into 50 Ωs to obtain specified performance and sensitivity.在所有情況下,CT1,CT2,CT6必須工作到50個(gè)Ωs得到規(guī)定的性能和靈敏度。

Typical Measurement Applications典型測(cè)量的應(yīng)用

Differential Current Measurements差動(dòng)測(cè)量

Most true-differential voltage amplifiers have a maximum bandwidth of about 100 MHz. 大多數(shù)true-differential電壓放大器有zui大帶寬約100赫茲。The CT1 or CT6 can make differential current measurements to 1 GHz and 2 GHz, respectively, by passing two wires carrying opposing currents through the same core. 這可以使差或CT6 CT1電流測(cè)量到1兆赫和2兆赫,分別通過兩線電流,同時(shí)通過攜帶對(duì)方核心。The displayed result is the difference current. 結(jié)果所顯示的是截然不同的電流。The CT2 can perform the same function to 200 MHz.CT2可以執(zhí)行同樣的功能到200兆赫。

In all cases, Derating with Frequency and Amp-second Product (Current-time Product) guidelines should not be exceeded. 在所有病例中,Derating與頻率和Amp-second產(chǎn)品(Current-time產(chǎn)品規(guī)范不應(yīng)超過。(See Characteristics.)(見特點(diǎn)。)

Single-shot and Low Rep-rate Pulse Measurements臺(tái)和低Rep-rate脈沖測(cè)量

These common measurements are easy to make with the CT1, CT2, or CT6 provided that your signal fits within the Max Pulse Current and Amp-second Product (Current-time Product) guidelines for the specific current probe characteristics.這些通用的測(cè)量是容易與CT1,CT2或CT6規(guī)定好了,如果你適合在zui大信號(hào)脈沖電流和Amp-second產(chǎn)品(Current-time產(chǎn)品關(guān)于特定的電流探測(cè)器的特點(diǎn)。

For example, the CT2 is rated at 36 A peak, with an Amp-second Product of 50 × 10-6 seconds (50 Amp-microseconds), therefore the CT2 can safely handle a 36 A peak pulse with a maximum width of 1.39 microseconds or lower amplitude pulses for longer pulse widths. 例如,CT2被36歲的高潮,和一個(gè)Amp-second 50×產(chǎn)品時(shí)刻秒(50 Amp-microseconds),所以CT2可以安全地處理36峰與zui大寬度脈沖的振幅1.39微秒脈沖或降低長(zhǎng)脈沖寬度。The CT1, CT2, and CT6 all have low-frequency roll-off characteristics. 這個(gè)CT1,CT2,CT6同時(shí)減少伴侶翻身時(shí)都有低頻特性。Low-frequency "droop" will exhibit itself when the pulse width approaches the L/R time constant of the specific transformer.“下垂”將展示低頻脈沖寬度的方法本身,L / R時(shí)間常數(shù)的特定的變壓器。

Propagation Delay Measurements傳播延遲測(cè)量

Two CT1 or CT2 Current Transformers with matching probe cables can be used to measure propagation delay (transit time) between the input and output currents of high-frequency devices. 兩個(gè)CT1或CT2電流互感器與之相配套的探測(cè)器可以用來測(cè)量電纜傳輸延遲(如時(shí)間)的輸入、輸出電流之間的高頻設(shè)備。The probe outputs are connected to the inputs of dual-channel real-time or sampling scopes.探測(cè)器的輸出連接到的輸入dual-channel實(shí)時(shí)或抽樣范圍。

Verification of any Probe/Cable/Scope System mismatch can be obtained by passing the same signal current through both probes and observing total system delay difference, if any.任何探測(cè)器檢定/電纜/范圍系統(tǒng)不匹配可以通過經(jīng)過同一信號(hào)電流進(jìn)行了探索和觀察,經(jīng)過兩個(gè)整個(gè)系統(tǒng)的時(shí)滯差分(如果有的話)。






Bandwidth (typical)帶寬(典型的)

25 kHz to 1 GHz25 kHz 1兆赫

1.2 kHz to 200 MHz1.2千赫至200赫茲

250 kHz to 2 GHz250千赫至2兆赫

Rise Time上升時(shí)間

350 ps350 ps

500 ps500 ps

200 ps200 ps


(into 50 Ω)(50Ω)

5 mV/mA5 mV /馬

1 mV/mA1 mV /馬

5 mV/mA5 mV /馬





Magnetizing Inductance磁化電感

6 μH6μH

7 μH7μH

1 μH1μH

Leakage Inductance漏電感

2.4 nH2.4尼克-海德菲爾德

1 nH1尼克-海德菲爾德

1.5 nH1.5尼克-海德菲爾德

Insertion Impedance:插入阻抗:

at 10 MHz在10兆赫

<1 Ω< 1Ω

0.1 ΩΩ0.1

1.1 ΩΩ1.1

at 100 MHz在100兆赫

2 Ω

0.5 ΩΩ0.5

1.3 ΩΩ1.3

at 1 GHz在1兆赫



11.9 ΩΩ11.9

Max. 馬克斯。Bare Wire Size裸露的電線大小

#14 wire# 14線

#16 wire# 16線

#20 wire20 #線

1.78 mm (0.070 in.)1.78毫米(0.070英寸)

1.32 mm (0.052 in.)1.32毫米(0.052英寸)

0.8 mm (0.032 in.)0.8毫米(0.032英寸)

Max. 馬克斯。Bare Wire Voltage:裸露的電線電壓:






1000 V*1000 V *11

1000 V*1000 V *11

30 V30伏


175 V175 V

175 V175 V

30 V30伏

Max. 馬克斯。Peak Pulse Current脈沖電流峰值

12 A第十二

36 A36個(gè)固定

6 A6

Max. 馬克斯。Continuous Current (RMS)連續(xù)電流(RMS)

450 mA450毫安

2.5 A2.5

120 mA120毫安

Amp-second ProductAmp-second產(chǎn)品

1 × 10-6 A*Sec1×時(shí)刻一個(gè)*秒

50 × 10-6 A*Sec50×A *秒的時(shí)刻

0.25 × 10-6 A*Sec* * * 0.25×整齊秒

L/R Time Constant (droop)L / R時(shí)間常數(shù)(下垂)

>6.35 μs> 6.35μs

>160 μs> 160μs

0.4 μsμs 0.4

Propagation Delay傳播延遲

3.25 ns3.25奈秒

6.1 ns6.1奈秒

5.2 ns5.2奈秒


UL3111-2-032, CSA1010.2.032, EN61010-2-032, IEC61010-2-032UL3111 - 2 - 032,CSA1010.2.032,EN61010 - 2 - 032,IEC61010 - 2 - 032

UL3111-2-032, CSA1010.2.032, EN61010-2-032, IEC61010-2-032UL3111 - 2 - 032,CSA1010.2.032,EN61010 - 2 - 032,IEC61010 - 2 - 032



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